Preparing for a wedding is no small feat. Faced with the magnitude of the task, the pleasure and excitement of the preparations often give way to stress, sometimes to the point of generating tension in the couple or with loved ones. Whether you dream of a ceremony with great fanfare or a small wedding, calling on a professional wedding planner can avoid many disappointments. 8 good reasons to organize your wedding with a wedding planner.

Wedding planner: a personal assistant for your wedding

wedding planner organizes wedding with future bride and groom

A wedding planner intervenes at the request of the bride and groom to support them in the organization of their wedding. From then on, he became their privileged interlocutor throughout the preparation period, and also on D-Day.

Listening to them, the wedding planner mobilizes his skills and knowledge so that the future spouses experience the wedding of their dreams .

Based on the needs expressed and the wedding budget available, he struggles to find providers and manages the terms of their intervention. Present at the wedding ceremony and during the reception, the wedding planner is also a key contact for the guests.

He therefore takes on the role of personal assistant for the newlyweds, throughout his essential and multidisciplinary mission.

A network of professionals at your service

wedding planner and caterer

A seasoned professional, like those present on the specialized Planners platform , a wedding planner develops his network of partners. As he organizes weddings, he builds relationships with professionals in catering, accommodation, events… Which benefits couples who are preparing to celebrate their union.

Its knowledge of the type and quality of the services delivered by a number of stakeholders in a given sector makes it possible to make direct contact with the right professionals and to easily book its services, at the best prices.

Less stress for the bride and groom

Being supported by a wedding planner limits the stress of the bride and groom , which often increases as the deadline approaches. Many appreciate this support from a third party, with their professional look and experience in wedding planning .

His support relieves the tight schedule , his listening and his availability are welcome during periods of doubt and hesitation.

Harmonize the intervention of service providers

Decorator, florist, caterer, orchestra, DJ , animator… various trades are most often involved in a wedding. The wedding planner is the one who takes care of coordinating their services for the smooth running of the ceremony and the reception.

He books the tests and collects the samples, takes care of sending the order forms, acts as an intermediary in the exchanges between his customers and the service providers, manages the deliveries, directs each other for the installation of their materials on D-Day, ensure the right timing, think of a plan B in case of unforeseen events…

Like an orchestra conductor, he leads all these little people and makes sure that everything is in place when the bride and groom and guests arrive, who only have to make the most of the festivities. marriage.

Take full advantage of your ceremony

wedding planner wedding in front of reception room

A trusted professional, the wedding planner is delegated many tasks related to the organization of the ceremony. His long mission leads him to work upstream of the wedding until the big day included.

Acting in the name and on behalf of the bride and groom, they are relieved and can concentrate on the present moment, without letting their big day be spoiled by material or technical concerns.

Optimize your time

Whatever time you allow yourself to prepare for your wedding, it always goes by very quickly. The intervention of the wedding planner makes it possible to optimize his time.

By entrusting him with the missions related to the organization of their wedding, the bride and groom can devote themselves to other tasks: lead their professional life, take care of the children, choose wedding outfits and hairstyles, take care of the administrative tasks , preparing a surprise for his (her) future husband (se)…

new ideas

If the wedding organization has become a profession in its own right, it is because the thing is less easy than it seems.

The experience of the wedding planner leads him to deliver sound advice, which avoids many mistakes. He makes suggestions in line with the desires of the couple, but never imposes anything. The bride and groom remain decision makers at all points of the course of their marriage.

In their exchanges with their wedding planner, engaged couples can even glean new ideas for their future wedding: in terms of reception venue, wedding decoration, entertainment...

Control your wedding budget

wedding planner wedding budget

Hiring a wedding planner to organize your wedding pays off. A budget must be allocated for this service.

However, the cost of the service is largely offset by the magnitude of the task and the responsibility entrusted to him. Several hundred hours are usually needed to organize a beautiful wedding reception.

Without forgetting that as a good professional, the wedding planner knows the average prices charged on the main expenditure items of a wedding. It is therefore able to find the service providers offering the best value for money.

Once the engagement has been announced and the wedding date has been set, the excitement of the preparations for a wedding is not easy for the bride and groom to manage alone. There are many reasons to organize your wedding with a wedding planner.

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